Sunday, April 5, 2015

Channeling my Inner Beasties

Two weeks 'til,

(nuh nuh ...
nuh . nuhhhh ... nuhh nuhh
nuh nuh ...
nuh . nuhhhh) 


I'll be the first to admit that I've been having a little trouble getting excited about this race (see, I just did). Not that I am not excited... it's the Boston freakin' Marathon! For the third time! You know what they say about third times!

I am just... apprehensive? Anxious? Indecisive? I don't know. Less excited than I feel I ought to be.

So I've been giving myself pep talks on all my solo runs, and whenever else it comes to mind. Focusing on all the positive stuff, trying to make top-ten lists of reasons why this race is going to be awesome. That kind of stuff.

And today for whatever reason, the Beastie Boys showed up mid-run.

Two! (nuh) Weeks! (nuh) Til Boston! (nuhh nuhh nuhh)

I didn't tell them it was technically two weeks and a day. But whatever.