Monday, November 11, 2013


I've been doing a lot of race visualization (otherwise known as daydreaming), with the help of Google Earth and the little "street view" guy. He's kind of cool. Just drop him on some corner to see what it looks like. Then of course, you have to stitch all that stuff together into some kind of movie. In my head, it goes almost exactly like this:

Well.. except in my head, I run the other direction down the Ben Franklin parkway. And I don't plan to hurdle any park benches in front of Independence Hall, or at any other point in the race. The children are taller, and I am sad that I forgot my sweat band at home. In other words, it's exactly the same, but completely different.

Even so, chances are pretty good that I'll have "Gonna Fly Now" stuck in my head, starting now and until the race is over.