Sunday, July 14, 2013


Welcome to my new digs! I have yet to spruce the place up, but I decided this was the appropriate time to finally hop over to Blogger to put forth my ramblings on running (or is that my running-on ramblings?)*

The time is right because it's a new beginning. Week one of (official) Philly training is done! It was a decent week, with its ups and downs. More than anything, it feels good to be out running with a bit of focus again.

Lowlight of the week: Missing my Thursday run. I am completely not used to the advance planning required to fit in six runs a week. I knew how to do it last summer. I vow to re-learn that skill this week. I've been winging it for too long.

Highlight of the week: Saturday's 12-mile joint therapy session with Jordan. She vented for a couple miles, I vented for a couple miles, we did that a couple more times, and before we knew it the run was done.

Song of the week (just 'cause the week feels like it needs a song): Wordless Chorus.

*I got tired of having to delete the weekly foreign language spam-bot comments that kept appearing on my old running blog. I never have to do that on the kidblog, which resides here in Google-land. Plus, I got tired of being frustrated with their posting interface every time I wanted to cut and paste some text. This has been going on for a couple years. I just finally decided it was time to cut the cord. All the old stuff will still be where it is (over at Livejournal) - probably I will migrate some of the interesting ones over here in time, if I can figure out how to use the Python script I found lying around in a dusty corner of the web.

1 comment:

  1. I will continue to follow because you are such a talented writer and you make me smile! I hope your Philly adventure proves to be a great one - I look forward to journeying along through your blog and perhaps find some inspiration along the way!
